Vanessa has grown up so fast. At 10 (in October) she deserves a new quilt in her new room. After moving into their new home, my niece has painted her daughter's room periwinkle and violet. Vanessa had a hard time picking out a pattern that fit her grownup room. She settled on this modern combination of off center squares.

The finished quilt will have 4 blocks across and 6 blocks down. Each block has 4 connecting 9"squares.
I purchased a few new fabrics to tie in with those from my stash.

I cut a variety of sizes and colors for the centers.

I will cut the strips for each center to maximize the use of the limited amounts of some fabrics and assure that colors and patterns are distributed. I like what I've done so far.
What a good Gramma you are :0) She will love her new quilt!!
i love how that's looking so far! :)
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