This city is the mythological site of Jason and the Golden Fleece. In its grander squares, 19th century buildings are newly renovated. Most people live in 1950’s style apartments and shop in open markets. We visited churches, parks, and a museum. The people are very proud of their independence and are working hard to move their country forward. Students performed dances in their traditional dress at dockside.
Our next stop took us to this seaside resort famous for its sanitariums, cypress tree lined parks and beaches. We drove into the mountains to see the future site of the 2014 winter Olympics. This old wooden house was once the typical style of the country. Its former leader lived in this house during the summer, painted green to camouflage its location.
We have arrived in a CITY of stark contrasts. Within this museum building were evidences of its multiple uses over 1500 years. We are dwarfed by both its height and width. You can get lost amongst the 4000 shops under one roof where everything from sweets and spices to jewelry and ceramics are sold. The local drink is healthy but everyone smokes in spite of bold “ Smoking Kills” on the cartons. As we leave this grand city, we are off to more exotic destinations.
We will now be cruising for 14 days making ports-of-call in several countries. Our first stop we visited this ancient CITY where bronze bodies glisened in the sun and victory was imortalized in stone. As the sun sets we are off to a new adventure.
Another flight took us to an ancient CITY where we enjoyed street cafes,shopping,a snack, narrow streets, and sitting on the STEPS.Good luck with your guessing. Remember don't give away the answer in your comments but only email the city and country to enter the GIVEAWAY.
Onward we flew to a CITY with bridges half timbered buildings a bird's eye view and upscale shopping. PS My computer time is limited so I won't be able to send replies to your email or comment on you blogs but I'll chec-up when we get home.
We are traveling with Jack's sister and BIL to where their mother was born and their grandparents emigrated to the USA from in 1926. It was fun to trace their roots. We drove into the countryside just north of this CITY to see this village "on the B B banks of L L". This CITY is located on the Firth of Clyde. Here we are with the Poet B. B. Remember, only put your answers (City & Country) in an Email. DO NOT give it away in your comments.
This is a giveaway/contest. I will be posting pictures of places we are visiting. You earn one entry for a comment on each post (including this one) without guessing. You can earn a second and third entry by emailing me the correct city and country pictured. DO NOT GIVE AWAY the location in your comments. I promise some nice prizes but I also hope you will have some fun.
I finished my blocks for the SIS, BOOM, POW gather. Once I decide on a design and fabrics, I find it easy to plow through to the finish. I will be traveling soon and I wanted to send this project off before we leave. This was fun. Thank you for the opportunity V.
Bumble Beans sent these wonderful fabrics thanks to Jennifer Paganelli. I get to participate in another charity quilt! This time Victoria wants POW, ZING and WOW using applique and our own choice of design. My inspiration will come from the fabric designs themselves, my current project Mary Mannakee, and from Janet at Quiltsalott.
Follow the progress of all the participants by clicking on the sidebar logo for SIS, BOOM, POW.
Hi. I'm Janet, a retired home economics and art teacher of 32 years. I'm a wife of 45 years, mother of 2 married boys, a grandmother to 2 boys and 2 girls, an aunt to my sister's 3 girls and their 7 children. I have always loved sewing and doing art and now I have combined these talents with quilting. I hope you find my designs and quilts an inspiration and my hints helpful.