Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Hobbling but not tied down

The latest in foot fashion!
I had foot surgery last week. All is going well but it does restrict my independence. I'm using a walker and hopping on my good foot. All should be mended in 6 weeks and another 6 weeks of being careful. 

In the mean time I have finished embroidering the countries we have visited onto the border of the quilt, "AROUND THE WORLD". With my quilting friends here today, I managed to sew on the border. Now to decide on the backing. I have a panel of vintage cruise ships and luggage tags to incorporate. The designing should be fun.



  1. cute cast! i miss you. will call you soon for a playdate :)

  2. Ouch! your poor foot. Hope your recovery is fast and you're up and around again soon.
    your "around the world" quilt is so fun!
