Thursday, April 2, 2009

Tomato Pincushions

I was on Karen's "Journey of a Quilter" where she shared Heirloom Tomato pincushions that she and her friend made. She in turn was inspired by Kaaren's, "Painted Quilter", tutorial. Visit both. I bought this silk pincushion in China just 3 years ago. I remember my mother and grandmothers having these from the 30's/40's, probably from Chinatown, LA. I hadn't seen them since I was a girl so of course I had to buy one.


  1. Janet, that pincushion is "sew" adorable. Do you use it or do you display it for decorative purposes only? What a great souvenir from your trip to China!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Now it's my turn to visit yours, as soon as I press "publish your comment".

  2. So sweet! Love the smiling faces.

  3. What a cute pincushion! My daughter is going to China tomorrow, maybe I will have her pick one up for me, if she can find one!
